about lindsey
about heather
Heather joined the LCP team in 2018 and serves as assistant extraordinaire! She helps with all aspects in the office, and keeps a tight ship with her background in library science. 🙂
When Heather resigned in 2016 from her 10 year position as a school librarian, she was excited about the opportunity to spend more time home with her children. With young children, days were quickly filled with play dates, story times, and of course stress! Through it all, Heather loved to document every day moments of this fleeting time period through photos.
A lifetime resident of Birmingham, Heather has an appreciation for the city that she was born in and now sees it through a different lens as a mom herself. When Heather isn’t helping me behind the scenes, she can be found volunteering at her daughter’s school, visiting the park with her younger children, or reading her next favorite book. Working with children still remains a top priority in her life, and she loves getting to see your precious little ones through LCP studios.